
9 Signs of Bad Wiring in Your Home

9 Signs of Bad Wiring in Your Home

The home is an intricate structure full of complex systems to sustain the amenities of a modern lifestyle. However, as efficient as these systems became, entropy still rears its ugly head as wear and tear are inevitable.

Faulty wiring is not only a nuisance but also a safety hazard to homes. Let’s look at nine signs of bad electrical wiring in a home!

1. Flickering/Dimming Lights

Have you ever been relaxing in your living room, enjoying a meal, or getting ready in the bathroom when a sudden and temporary shift in your lighting’s brightness occurs? The culprit of flickering lights could be a loose lightbulb, but it is also a sign of bad wiring.

The average lifespan of electrical systems is about 50-70 years, with many near-century-old homes never receiving an upgrade. Conversely, modern appliances require a different amount of energy to power that the old electrical system cannot handle.

2. Tripped Circuit Breakers

You will also experience this symptom of lousy wiring in an older home as the obsolete electrical system can overload, causing frequently tripped circuit breakers. Tripped circuit breakers may also be a precursor to electrical fires, so it may be wise to consider surge protection installation!

3. Loud Buzzing or Crackling

A strong source of electricity usually hums. However, an electrical emergency may be forthcoming if you hear loud buzzing or crackling from your breaker box. These uncomfortable sounds indicate a severe problem with your electrical system, so it’s best to contact a trusted electrician immediately.

4. Frayed Wires

If you notice only certain parts of your home suffer from electrical issues, check the wiring in those rooms for frayed wires, as rodents or other pests may have chewed away at the tubing. If you spot exposed wires, replacing them as soon as possible is best.

5. Warm Spots Near Outlets or Walls

When electronics and other appliances are plugged into an outlet, it’s normal for warmth to radiate. On the other hand, feeling warm spots or vibrations along the walls is a sign of inefficient and dangerous wiring and should be assessed right away.

6. Smoke Coming From Appliances or Outlets

Whether it's an outlet or an appliance, if you smell or see smoke coming from the unit, this can be due to several factors. Identify the source and turn off the circuit breaker as quickly as possible, and once the outlet is shut off, if the smoke is not stopping, evacuate the premises end call for help.

7. Extension Cords are a Standard Item in Your Home

Extension cords come in handy, especially around the holiday season. However, if you need to use them all the time due to insufficient outlets, this is an indicator of bad wiring. It is recommended to have additional outlets installed, removing the risk of fire, damaged outlets, or tripped breakers.

8. Scorch Marks on Electrical Fixtures

Scorch marks are another severe indicator of a major problem with your wiring. Loose appliance plugs, old wiring, and overloaded circuits can all cause scorching and need immediate repair from a certified electrician.

9. Your Home Has the Wrong Outlets

In areas where water is prevalent, like kitchens and bathrooms, the outlets installed should have a special shock-resistant ground fault circuit interrupter, and the design has two buttons at the center to help reset the unit. If your outlets do not have this and look the same as the ones in your bedroom or living room, this is a cause for concern and is another sign of outdated or bad wiring.

Trust SoCal Electrical & Lighting for Electrical Repairs

If you notice these signs, your electrical wiring is a potential hazard and should be looked at immediately. Our team is available for 24/7 emergency services, so, call on SoCal Electrical & Lighting for the most trusted electrical repairs in all of Coachella Valley!

Request an estimate online or give us a call at 760-699-2686 today!

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