
8 Tips for Lighting Retail Spaces

8 Tips for Lighting Retail Spaces

Your retail business in the Coachella Valley area is your pride and joy. While business is good, you want to make the experience in your store even better over time.

What better way to do that with improved lighting?

Improving the lighting in your retail space can offer a comforting and stimulating experience for your customers as well as keep your employees motivated and in good spirits during their shifts. Not only does improved lighting help your retail experience, but it can also act as a safety measure.

Let’s take a look at the four tips for lighting retail spaces!

1. Safety is Most Important

Having efficient light can also prove to be an effective safety method for both your customers and employees. When certain areas of your retail store prove dim, they can act as tripping or falling hazards.

For all businesses, safety is one of the most important aspects. When it comes to lighting, having a clear path to walk or a brightened workstation can minimize the risk overall!

2. Take Advantage of Natural Light

Natural light can help improve the overall mood of your retail space while helping you save money on energy costs. However, if your store is open during the night, it’s best to have sufficient enough lighting installed to make up for it.

When you want to time the sun setting by turning on extra lights, light automation might be a prudent idea!

3. Consistent Color Temperature is Key

No matter what kind of retail space you have, consistency in terms of your color scheme is key. Warm color temperatures help keep your employees and customers cozy while cooler temperatures aid in stimulating the minds.

Depending on what type of retail business you run, you may want to consider choosing a consistent temperature for your store. Perhaps you run a boutique. You may want to use warmer temperatures to relax the customers while browsing your clothing selections.

On the flip side, if your employees work in a fast-paced environment like a kitchen, cooler lights will keep them more alert during their shift.

4. Energy Management Is Necessary

When it comes to your business, saving money at every nook and cranny can help your profit margin. The electrical system on your commercial property may be costing more than it needs to.

Consider conducting an electrical audit and making use of energy management systems to assure your lighting is not costing you extra money.

5. Choose Multiple Lighting Options

To make your retail space pop and improve your store design, do not stick with one lighting option. If you install overhang lights throughout your retail store, mix-and-match options or pick certain lights to accentuate certain areas.

How you utilize multiple light options depends on your store vibe. For a more relaxed feel, make it more cluttered. For a luxury storefront, space your lights out far apart.

6. Have Your Lighting Draw Customers Throughout the Store

When customers enter your store, you want their attention immediately drawn to your products. With well-placed lighting and items, highlight sales, deals, specials, or premium product lines.

One of the goals for most retail stores is to keep the customer shopping and looking at products as long as possible. By implementing lighting to draw customers to look at all your products, your customers will be more likely to buy something and less likely to miss something.

7. Consider Dimmable Lights

Another way to save money on your energy bill is by installing dimmable lights. Take full advantage of natural light during the day and gradually increase the light in your store as night comes around.

Because you don’t use a toggle switch to control your lights, you have more options to customize your store's look. Even if you do have the lights on full brightness during most business hours, dimmable lights are good to have if you are hosting events.

Additionally, restaurants can set an ambient mood with dimmable lights and save money on buying candles for each table.

8. Use Accent Lights

When most people think of lighting for commercial properties and retail spaces, they tend to forget about accent lights. Accent lights are a great option if you want your store to look sleek and modern.

Additionally, accent lights look great for products in cages and fit well with high-end clothing and electronic stores.

Contact SoCal Electrical & Lighting for Retail Lighting Solutions

When your retail store requires any electrical or lighting services, call on SoCal Electrical & Lighting. Request an Estimate online or give us a call at 760-699-2686 today!

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