
Title 24: Understanding Indoor Lighting Alterations & CA’s Energy Code

Title 24: Understanding Indoor Lighting Alterations & CA’s Energy Code

Your business grows and changes as time goes on. This change sometimes requires upgrades to the building your business resides in.

Before you start your work, however, have you brushed up on California’s energy codes? Here’s a brief overview of Title 24 and how it can affect your business.

What is Title 24?

Title 24 is part 6 of the California Building Energy Efficiency Standards. After taking effect on January 1st, 2020, its main goal has been to improve energy efficiency in new construction, additions, and renovation to existing buildings. 

If your business needs new lighting, these fall under Title 24’s category of lighting alterations:

●        Replacing Lighting

●        Repairing Lighting

●        Reinstalling Lighting

●        Any Changes to Wiring

Compliance Threshold

A compliance threshold simply means the minimum percentage of lighting alterations must comply with 1 out of 3 compliance options. This minimum percentage of Title 24 requires 10% of all lighting alterations in a single enclosed space.

The following are the three compliances:

Section 141.0(b)2Ii

Follow the same requirements as new construction.

Section 141.0(b)2I(ii)

If an alteration project uses 80% or less of the indoor lighting power allowed for new construction, they will have reduced control requirements. Manual area controls and automatic shut-off controls are the only facets required for these projects.

Section 141.0(b)2I(iii)

For projects on small commercial buildings or tenant spaces under 5,000 square feet and including only one-for-one luminaire alterations resulting in a 40% reduction per luminaire must also only adhere to the manual area and automatic shut-off controls.


Some alterations are exempt from California’s Building Energy Efficiency Standards.

There are six types in total:

1.      Any enclosed space with only one luminaire

2.      Projects that may disturb asbestos during construction

3.      Alterations and additions to indoor lighting in healthcare facilities

4.      Alterations that just add lighting controls

5.      Modifications to portable luminaires

6.      One-for-one luminaire alterations of up to 50 luminaires per complete building floor

Title 24: FAQ

Our team understands the complexity of Title 24, so we wanted to offer you the most commonly asked questions to help bring some clarity to the new regulations:

Does Title 24 Impact Lighting?

Yes, it includes a specific set of codes for lighting and lighting controls used in the space.

How is Title 24 Reinforced?

Similar to other projects, Title 24 is enforced when you have building plans reviewed or apply for a building permit.

How Much General Lighting Is Allowed Under the New Codes?

The amount of lighting will depend on the area, and if you’re planning a permitted project, our team can help you determine if your plans will fit with the new regulations.

What Interior and Exterior Lighting Controls Fall Under Title 24?

Interior lighting will apply to any space using more than 0.5 watts and greater than 100 feet.

How Will the SoCal Team Help Your Building Meet Title 24 Requirements?

The idea behind Title 24 is to help increase sustainability practices and preserve requirements for indoor environmental standards. SoCal Electrical & Lighting are experienced contractors who understand how to create more efficiency by applying and ensuring we are following all protocols for Title 24.

Our electricians are trained to find the most efficient solution for power conservation in your home or office, and we can also perform an electrical audit to help optimize your usage.

Contact SoCal for Assistance With Title 24 Compliance

Updated building codes for energy standards will benefit everybody albeit with their detailed and tedious information process. If you need assistance with understanding Title 24, contact SoCal Electrical & Lighting!

We will help you make sure that your business adheres to all of California’s energy codes. Request an estimate online or give us a call at 760-699-2686 today!

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